Holy Trinity Church of England Academy
Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving
01249 812424

Secondary School Transition
Applications are to be completed on the Wiltshire Council Website.
Click here for more information
Current Year 6 Transition timeline 2023:
15 December 2023
Exceptional circumstances deadline
Only in exceptional circumstances such as those listed here will a late application be considered at the same time as applications received by the deadline of 31 October 2023.
where there has been a change of family circumstances after the deadline date which has a significant effect on the preferences given on the original application. (If this is a house move this must have been completed with an exchange of contracts before 15 December 2023)
a move into Wiltshire from outside the county after the deadline date but before 15 December 2023. Confirmation of the new address (in the form of an exchange of contracts or a tenancy agreement) must be provided before 15 December 2023
service personnel moving to a Wiltshire address after the deadline date. A posting notice must be provided before 15 December 2023
where a common application form has not been received by the local authority, but the parent can provide proof of posting.
Such late applications can only be considered if they are received by the local authority on, or before, 15 December 2023.
Documentary evidence should be provided with the application (or at the latest by 15 December 2023) to verify the circumstances which caused the late application to be made. If evidence cannot be provided, the application will not be treated as an exception.
Applications received after the deadline without exceptional reasons are not considered until all the applications received on time have been allocated. You are less likely to secure a place at your preferred school and you will not receive an offer of a place until 26 April 2024.
November 2023 - February 2024
The School Admissions Team
will liaise with schools and other authorities to make sure that, where possible, parents get a single offer for the highest preference school able to offer a place
1 March 2023
Offer day
Letters are posted to all parents who applied by the 31 October 2023 deadline offering them a place at one school
Parents who apply online will be able to log back on to the online system on national offer day to view the outcome of their application
You will require your username and password which was created at the time of application.
It is important that you keep these details safe as the school admissions team are not able to send duplicate emails to you confirming these details.
You will also receive confirmation of the offer by letter.
15 March 2024
For parents to accept the place they have been offered
If you have been refused a place at your preferred school you can appeal and request that your child's name is added to the waiting lists
Further information will be contained in the decision letter that will be posted out to you on national offer day
26 April 2024
Second round offers
Late applicants (second round applications received between 1 November 2023 and 8 March 2024 ) will be considered alongside any applicants who were refused in the first round
All applications will be considered in line with the schools individual over subscription criterion and any spare place and places that have become available after the 1 March offer day, will be reallocated
For further information about the process for allocation places please view 'Determined Co-ordinated Scheme for Primary Schools' which can be found by clicking on (forms, guides and policy document).
17 May 2024
Third round offers
Late applicants (third round applications received after 08 March 2023 ) will be considered alongside any applicants who were refused in the first and second round
All applications will be considered in line with the schools individual over subscription criterion and any spare place and places that have become available after the 1 March offer day, will be reallocated
For further information about the process for allocation places please view 'Determined Co-ordinated Scheme for Primary Schools' which can be found by clicking on (forms, guides and policy document).
May -July 2024
Appeals are heard
31 August 2024
Any applications received after this date will be considered as in-year transfer applications
September 2024Your child starts secondary school