Holy Trinity Church of England Academy
Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving
01249 812424

The School's Bible Text
“Allow the children to come to Me; do not forbid them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Mark 10v14
Jesus spoke these words to His disciples when they were trying to stop the children coming up to Him when they thought He had ‘more important things’ to do.
Jesus said the children were ‘the important things’.
Yes, they were noisy and energetic.
Yes, they shouted out and sometimes said the ‘wrong’ things. Sometimes, they played; sometimes, they cried.
Learning can be like that: messy; calm; quiet; loud; playful; reflective; and it involves making mistakes.
But the children themselves are the most important part of learning. Each one matters. At Holy Trinity, we are a family and our aim is that all the children and families involved with us feel nurtured. We want them to see the love of God in action at this school.
'Parents describe Holy Trinity as being excellent, with staff that 'go above and beyond' to ensure pupils' well-being and academic achievement'. Ofsted March 2016

Prayer Space
During April 2019, we hosted our first prayer space at Holy Trinity Academy. Each class had a set day to visit and the opportunity to engage with the different reflective stations that were created in the library.
The children were encouraged to take time to think and reflect on the different aspects of the Lord’s Prayer. The prayer space was open to those of any faith and those of none.
We opened this up for a parent ‘drop-ins’.
The Prayer Space is an annual event that the children enjoy.