Holy Trinity Church of England Academy
Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving
01249 812424

The partnership between Holy Trinity and parents is vital.
We have an 'open door' policy, where the views of parents are always valued. If you have any queries, please speak to a member of the office staff (Mrs Caldecott or Mrs Snell).
SEND and Family Support Manager
Mrs Kate Horner is our SEND and Family Support Manager. She works Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. She can be contacted by phoning the school office or by emailing khorner@holytrinitycalne.wilts.sch.uk
You can also refer yourself to the SEND and Family Support Manager by completing this form.
Parents' Forum
Parent Forums are an important part of communicating with parents. We hold these regularly throughout the academic year.
If there are any specific topics that you would like to discuss, please send these to admin@holytrinitycalne.wilts.sch.uk or enquiries@holytrinitycalne.wilts.sch.uk
Parents Evening
We hold a few Parents Evenings throughout the year these are held face-to-face. We also hold sharing afternoons for the parents to come and look at the children's books. The dates for these will be updated in the school calendar.
Please click here to get the guide for booking the appointments for parents evenings.
If you are having any issues please call or email the office at enquiries@holytrinitycalne.wilts.sch.uk

Holy Trinity Facebook
We also have a brand new Holy Trinity Facebook Page.
Dyslexia Information for Parents
Helping adults to read
If you know someone who needs support with reading PLEASE let them know and help them sign up for this free, friendly and confidential course. For further details please download a leaflet: LEARN TO READ IN CALNE poster
Contacting by email
If you would like to receive emails or notification of forthcoming events, please let the office staff have your email details.
To find out more about Wiltshire Family Learning, please following the like here.
Domestic violence and abuse is a devastating crime that shatters the lives of victims and families.
The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) – often referred to as “Clare’s Law” after the tragic case of Clare Wood, who was murdered by her former partner in Greater Manchester in 2009 – was rolled out across all 43 police forces in England and Wales.
The Scheme allows the police to disclose information regarding an individual’s previous violent and abusive offending to their partner, where this may help protect them from further violence and abuse. Please click on the following link for more information, DVDS poster_A5 and information leaflet about Clare's Law.
Age rating guides for parents
Please click to download more information on age rating guides for films, games, etc - Age_Ratings_March_19
Wiltshire Short Breaks Bulletin
The Wiltshire Short Breaks Bulletin is available to download:
A hard copy can be obtained by telephoning Wiltshire Parent Carer Council on 01225 764647 or emailing: admin@wiltspcc.co.uk