Holy Trinity Church of England Academy
Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving
01249 812424

Our Vision Explained
Staff use the school’s Christian values and curriculum to help pupils develop tolerance.
Pupils confidently share their opinions, listen to others and respect the fact that they may not always agree - Ofsted 2021

We want all our learners to develop:
A strong moral compass
God-given Christian values
A love of learning

A strong moral compass helps children in their interactions with others. This encourages them to participate and excel in society.
God-given Christian values help our school community to develop a family feel, where we work as a team. They also help us to develop our individual characters.
A love of learning promotes a sense of curiosity and helps learners to make the most of opportunities that may present themselves throughout life. It allows individuals to take risks, pursue their interests and develop their talents.

Click the values for more information.

Holy Trinity has six values that bind the whole school together as a family.
Each term, we focus on one of the six values a bit more in depth. We do this in whole school assemblies on Mondays and Fridays.
The six values were chosen by the pupils in the form of a balloon debate as this gave them a sense of democratic process.

Holy Trinity Academy believes in providing an excellent education rooted in Christian values and its Church of England foundation.
The school has benefited from the guidance of the Church of England's document, "Valuing All God's Children", which helps address bullying, discrimination, and issues regarding homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia.
The welfare of children is of utmost importance to the academy, and it strictly follows child protection policies while continuously reviewing them. The school is dedicated to promoting fairness and equality of opportunity for all members of its community.

It is a great privilege and responsibility to be a school councillor representing the views of your classmates and the wider school.
The school council is elected at the start of each academic year and its role is to represent pupil views from across the school in a forum that meets regularly.
To become a councillor, children make a presentation to their class outlining their aims, interests and proposed actions. Each class member then has one vote to nominate a councillor, helping children to understand the principle of democracy.
The two children in each class with the most votes will take a seat on the council for the forthcoming year. However, councillors from the previous year are rotated to allow opportunities to others.
To help gather pupil ideas, there is also a post-box where any pupil can put forward suggestions for the council to discuss. This allows all children to be engaged and feel their opinions are valued and important.​

Pupils understand democracy and how the student council makes decisions about how to improve the school
- Ofsted 2022

To help our pupils to engage and flourish in society, it is important that we hold up social norms and teach the role and benefits of these.
This forms part of our ‘hidden curriculum’ – they are not subjects that have a timetabled slot, but they are taught as part of ongoing provision to help children develop their ‘strong moral compass’ alongside their peers.
As a staff, we work hard to maintain a consistent approach that helps the children feel settled and valued across the whole school. There are strong attempts to standardise approaches so that expectations are shared and children can thrive with their learning in a safe space.
Our rewards system recognises and praises the learning approach and not just outcomes. This is important as both process and progress are valued and individual children are noted and appraised for what they do well.
In addition, we have a clear behaviour policy that keeps children safe so that Holy Trinity remains a friendly place with good relationships, and is a safe space where children can ask their questions and take forward their learning.
We recognise and celebrate the fact that all children are different and individual. This is part of being a school family – recognising that each person is unique and brings something special to Holy Trinity.
Creativity and self-expression are positively nurtured, while also developing an awareness of the needs of others.
'The values of respect and tolerance are clearly visible in all aspects of the academy's work.'
It is a real cause for celebration at Holy Trinity that we all come together from a wealth of different backgrounds and circumstances. It is a real joy to work alongside so many different people.
Everyone brings something different to the table, and this helps us to see things from a range of perspectives and fosters our learning.
Of course, offering children the opportunity of a wide range of experiences that takes in different countries and cultures is vital in preparing them for the global world in which they live.
We are a church school, and our Christian ethos helps us to recognise the value and uniqueness of all people.
Our RE curriculum provides for children to learn in engaging ways about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam and we do this in ways that promote respect and tolerance for all.
Weekly Personal, Social and Health and Education lessons encourage our children to develop as citizens who are able to perform well in society with lots to offer.
Our art, geography and history curricula have been designed so that children can enjoy learning that celebrates the locality in which they live, but that also transports them all around the globe and opens their eyes to lots that the world has to offer.
Furthermore, we endeavour to develop pupils so that they interact with others in the community around them.
At a local level, this has meant collecting for food banks, creating art to decorate local warm spaces, supporting the Wiltshire Air Ambulance and making Christmas cards for groups of people across Calne.
On a national level, we host events to fundraise for charities such as Dorothy House, MIND, and Children in Need.
Moving to a global scale, we have raised funds for emergency relief efforts as they have happened.
'The values of respect and tolerance are clearly visible in all aspects of the academy's work.'