Holy Trinity Church of England Academy
Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving
01249 812424

The school governing body consists of eleven trustees. The members consists of five representatives from the PCC, SDBE and Kingsbury Green Academy. Since we are an academy school, the trustees are also known as directors. Governors are volunteers who serve the community without remuneration. If you would like to speak to the governors, please contact the academy.
FGB Meetings 2024-2025
All Full Governing Body Meetings will start at 6.30pm unless stated:
Thursday 26th September 2024
​Thursday 5th December 2024
Thursday 6th February 2025
Thursday 24th April 2025
Thursday 26th June 2025
Thursday 10th July 2025
Scheme of Delegation
Funding Agreements and Articles of Association
Funding Agreement, Memorandum and Articles of Association
Holy Trinity Statement of Accounts 2023-2024
Archived Accounts
Holy Trinity Statement of Accounts 2022-2023
Holy Trinity Statement of Accounts 2021-2022
Holy Trinity Statement of Accounts 2020-2021 Part 1

The Role of Governors
The role of Governors is defined in law by the school governance regulations (2013). These regulations are summarised below:
The governing body provides non-executive leadership. In all matters, the ‘board of governors’ should operate at a strategic level, leaving the headteacher and senior school leaders responsible and accountable to it for the operational day-to-day running of the school.
The regulations define three core functions consistent with the strategic role of the board. These are to:
• set the vision and strategic direction of school;
• hold the headteacher to account for its educational performance; and
• ensure financial resources are well spent.
The board's role is to focus strongly on these core functions and avoid its time being consumed with issues of secondary importance. While a range of other issues may at times require the board’s attention, this should not be at the expense of its ability to oversee and drive up the overall educational and financial performance of the school.
Governors need a robust process and framework for setting priorities, creating accountability and monitoring progress. This is facilitated by a school development plan that sets out strategic targets and key performance indicators. The focus is on significant strategic challenges and opportunities for school improvement in line with the board’s core functions, avoiding unnecessary detail and peripheral issues.
To create robust accountability, governors need to ask challenging questions on the basis of robust objective data. Governors should not just rely on information provided by the headteacher. Rather, they scrutinise objective national data at least once a year; use visits to verify what they are told, and ensure the headteacher’s termly report provides appropriate and sufficiently detailed information.
The governing body is organised into three main committees: Finance and Premises, Curriculum and Pupil Welfare and Staffing. The governors publish an annual governance statement with the accounts to explain how it has fulfilled its responsibilities.
For further information relating to Governors, please go to:

Meet The Governors
Mr Edward Sims
Foundation Governor
Health and Safety Governor
Mrs Michelle Hyde
Clerk to Governors
Mr Sam Pearce-Kearney
Co-opted Governor
Mrs Claire Eddols
Co-opted Governor
Chair of the Finance and Premises Committee
Mr Graham Shore
Mr Stephen Colby
Chair of the Governing Body
Foundation Governor
Mr Joe Rumley
Teacher Governor
Mrs Marie Moment
Foundation Governor
Mr Andrew Dennis
Parent Governor
Mr James Morten
Parent Governor
Mrs Rebecca Caldecott
Non-teaching Governor
Mr Austen Milford
Foundation Governor
Mr David Conway
Foundation Governor
Safeguarding, Early Years and SEN.
Mr Matthew Snell
Foundation Governor