Holy Trinity Church of England Academy
Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving
01249 812424

Holy Trinity is extremely grateful for the effort and hard work that the Friends Committee put into raising money for the school.
Chair: Mrs Carey Innes
Vice chairs: Mrs Jo Allen
Secretaries: Miss Bex Ashby
Treasurer: Mrs Rachel Lee and Miss Bex Ashby
The Friends committee comprises of parents and friends from Holy Trinity, who meet every couple of months to plan fundraising events for the academy. We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead, where we aim to raise as much money as possible to ensure that our children have the best experiences. Last year the money raised purchased 17 IPads and charging unit, Year 6 hoodies, atlases, globes plus each class was given £150 for trip subsidies. The Friends contributed £5000 to the new reception playground.
The projects for the money raised this year will be for a new timber trail and following discussions with staff, resources and extra-curricular equipment.
We are always looking for new members to join us! If you feel this is something that you would like to be a part of please join us at our next meeting, it would lovely to have some more faces.
If however you cannot make the meetings but would like to be involved please join us as a ‘sleeping friend’.
Friends Newsletters
To download the Spring newsletter please click on FoHT Newsletter April 22
To download information about the 100 Club, please click on FOHT 100 Club Standing Order and FOHT 100 Club rules
100 Club
Friends Events Letters
To download the Christmas Raffle letter please click on Friends Parent letter Nov 21