Holy Trinity Church of England Academy
Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving
01249 812424

A Warm Welcome to Holy Trinity
It is a privilege to lead the staff and children at Holy Trinity. This website provides a window into our school and our children’s day to day experience as a child at Holy Trinity.
Belonging to Holy Trinity is like being part of a family. We are a close-knit vibrant community, and work together to build relationships between staff, pupils, parents, governors and other agencies so that all learners feel nurtured and valued. We want all pupils to feel confident enough to take risks in their learning, to develop their understanding and be ready for the opportunities that they will be presented with throughout their lives.
Our vision- 'we want all of our children to leave Holy Trinity with a strong moral compass, God-given Christian values and a love of learning.'
To be a pupil of Holy Trinity is special. We understand that the experiences the children have here mould and impact their outlooks and attitudes for later life, so we endeavour to make their time here feel safe and inspiring with great teaching, a well-planned and delivered curriculum and opportunities that enrich them.
Every child and adult is valued as an individual within the Holy Trinity family. Visitors often comment on the friendly, caring atmosphere.
Our Church of England ethos is central to the life and values of the school, and there are strong links with the parish. Please look around and find out more about us. You can arrange a visit by contacting the school office. The admin staff are Mrs Caldecott and Mrs Snell. They will deal with queries from parents and other members of the public.
Graham Shore, Headteacher
As an academy school, we are a limited company,
registered in England and Wales No. 8045401.

Pupils enjoy attending Holy Trinity Church of England Academy. They say their teachers are kind and caring.
The strong relationships they have with staff help pupils to feel happy and safe - Ofsted 2021